
A Decade of Surgery in OMF Surgery Clinic Targu Mures. Routine versus challenging surgery. Medicine versus economic reasons.”


Vlad Golu
Cosarca Adina
Diana Necula
Alina Iacob
Bogozi Balint
Szava Daniel
Despina Bereczi-Temistocle
Vlad Grigore
Veres Szidonia
Sergiu Guzun


The purpose of this lecture is to present, in a comprehensive manner, the surgical activity within the last ten years in our clinic. Statistical data are collected related to all types of pathology recorded into continuous and daily hospitalization, crossing from the simplest to those very complex; from routine ones to those that are real surgical challenges; from common and frequent ones to those that are very rare medical-surgical cases. Also, interesting complex clinical cases are displayed too.

Another raised topic is the codification system (DRG/ICM – a poor one as a specialty); since our clinic, like most OMF Surgery clinics, is a county one, included in the national health care insurance system. How can we, as doctors/surgeons fulfill targets such as DRG, number of in-patients, hospitalization days, etc., but still be good doctors, as well as “businessmen”. A discussion of how we can improve the DRG system at the national level is also raised.

Conferința Societății Transilvane de Chirurgie Ortognatică


13-15 iunie 2024

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