București România

Prof. Univ. Emerit Dr. Alexandru BUCUR

Lector la Congresul Român de Chirurgie Ortognatică, 13-15 Iunie 2024
Despre Alexandru BUCUR

Emeritus University Professor Dr. Alexandru Bucur, titular Member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences, is the Head of the Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery Clinic (from 2002 to the present), former Dean and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, recently re-elected Director of Department II Dentistry for the term 2024-2009 and Member of the Senate of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy and of the Faculty Council; he is also PhD supervisor, residency coordinator of the Bucharest University Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and for Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, national manager of the complementary training program in inhalation therapy and founding member of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Development from UMFCD.

Having extensive clinical experience, Prof. univ. Emeritus Dr. Alexandru Bucur has over time performed the functions of Head of Department, Medical Director and Manager of the Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. Dan Theodorescu” in Bucharest, the only specialized hospital in the country. In 2010, he established within the hospital the first extracorporeal Sialolithotrition and Sialendoscopy laboratory in the country, being at the same time among the first in Central and Eastern Europe.

Univ Emeritus Prof. Dr. Alexandru Bucur is the President of the OMF Surgery commission of CMR, the representative of Romania at the OMF Surgery Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), advisor for our country at IAOMS, former president of the Romanian Society of OMF Surgery (2008 -2011), adviser for Romania at EACMFS and Examiner in the European board of surgery OMF. His Majesty is Visiting Professor of the Complutense University of Madrid, Honorary Professor of the U.M.F. “Gr.T.Popa” from Iasi and Doctor Honoris Causa of UVVG from Arad.

He is recognized as a national authority responsible for training programs through residency and practice guidelines for OMF surgery, being chairman of the commission within the National Council for the Attestation of University Diplomas and Certificates from the Ministry of Education and a permanent evaluator expert in ARACIS. The scientific activity of Prof. Univ. Emeritus Dr. Alexandru Bucur has materialized in more than 150 scientific works published in specialized journals indexed in WoS, PubMed and in other international databases, more than 15 treatises and specialized books in international and national publishing houses, including volume III of “The Treatise de Chirurgie” edited by the prestigious Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, the specialty chapter of the unique Manual for entry into residency or Compendium of OMF surgery published by QMed Publishing, alongside prestigious names in the specialty: Julio Acero – the current President of the EACMFS, Carlos Navarro Vila – President of EBOMFS and the late John Lowry – former General Secretary of EACMFS.

His dedication to the advancement of the specialty of OMF surgery is recognized by numerous medical firsts, including the introduction to the treatment of metastatic adenopathies of the concepts of radical cervical dissection, modified radical cervical dissection types I, II and III, suprahomohyoid cervical dissection, the modification of the Camille-Bernard technique for plasticity of defects resulting from the removal of malignant tumors of the lip (Award of the American Academy of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery (Hawaii, 2000), insertion of Stryker-type condyle prostheses to restore the temporomandibular joint, bimaxillary surgical treatment of severe dento-maxillary anomalies, reconstruction of oro-maxillary defects -complex maxillo-facial with freely vascularized and microsurgically anastomosed flaps, the surgical treatment of salivary gland tumors and the minimally invasive treatment of obstructive salivary gland diseases.

Conferința Societății Transilvane de Chirurgie Ortognatică


13-15 iunie 2024

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