Dr. Barbur Ioan graduated as a dental technician in 2000, at UMF Cluj, ClujNapoca, Romania. In 2006 received his license in dentistry, specializing after 3 years in Orthodontics and dental and facial orthopedics. He owns his private clinic and education center in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, together with his wife, Dr. Adina Barbur., a clinic specialized entirely on Orthodontics.
For more than 7 years, is an Assistant Lecturer at the University in Cluj-Napoca, Department of Maxillo-facial surgery, collaborating in interdisciplinary cases that need orthognatic treatment.
He is known for developing a new DSD Ortho protocol, together with Dr. Florin Cofar, that simplifies the communication between ortho and aesthetic teams, leading to predictable and easy to control interdisciplinary treatments. The protocol was published together with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and is currently used by the two clinics, in all interdisciplinary cases that need orthodontic treatment.